
Of course he doesn't.

He'll lie I wait for two of three days, then head back to The_Donald after we have stopped caring with his head held high, confident in his knowledge that he said something back to a Liberal savage or whatever, and he'll say he espoused the usual talking points to a Liberal and that the Liberal didn't talk back, because he doesn't have anything but talking points to rebut with.

What /u/rodentofusualsize doesn't appreciate is, like /u/Track607 before him, I'm genuinely challenging him to turn me to his side. I want to be turned to their side; I'm receptive, I'm open. Anything that makes the last year make sense is alright by me. But he can't do that; he can only give me pointless platitudes about how liberals would have been worse and Hillary is terrible and all this other shit despite the fact that they have been in power for nearly a year and everything that's happened is sorely on his party. So he'll come back with a couple of Democratic objectives and complain that his local Democratic operatives are obstructing those objectives from the Republican caucus they voted for and say democracy doesn't work, then vote for the most obstructionist, nihilistic Republican they possibly can to prove their point.

I'd love to be proven wrong, but I know I won't be.

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