What's the absolute craziest street fight you have ever seen?

One that I was in. We had just seen the Boston Bruins win the Stanley Cup at my house. We when to a pretty docile tavern downtown afterwards to continue our celebration of hockey. About a pitcher or so in me and three of my friends went out front to suck a couple death sticks back. My back was to the parking lot. As we converse out of the corner of my eye in the last second a see a young guy probably about 22 running at me. Bam! he hits me in the side of the head with a running punch. Immediately I went at him. I don't remember what happened after that until the fight is over. I'm told I went at the guy, took him to the ground delivering punches. While this is happening another young man appeared and came towards me while I was fighting his friend. I had no idea because my friend (we will call him Jay) grabbed him and started fighting him. This is where my memory comes back. I get off this kid and let him go. I'm at him and his friend about him sucker punching me. He looked scared. One of the girls told me he was crying but I don't remember that at all. Anyway the two get in small black car with girl driving and leave. I turned to Jay and say thank you for having my back. We fist bump and as I'm doing it I notice blood running down my left arm. I then ask my friend if I'm bleeding. He said that my chin was cut. I go inside with him and another friend to clean up in the bathroom and continue drinking. While I'm at the sink my buddy tells me I'm covered in blood all on my left side. He lifts up my shirt and tell me I'd been stabbed several times. Panic ensues and I get a ride to the hospital. After I get there I find out that Jay was stabbed too in his arm. He was int he next room over. They patch me up, 10 or 11 staples 4 or 5 stitches, not deep wounds. Five stabs wounds on my left side and one in my chin. Jay lost some tissue in his elbow. I guess when I had the guy on the ground he was stabbing me. I lost my hat. I miss that damn hat I had just bought it.

/r/StreetFights Thread