What's an obscure thing from your childhood you're nostalgic about that no one else seems to remember?

I tried to go through all the comments to see if this was mentioned before I made a comment but I haven't seen it yet.

The Adventures of Mark Twain - 1985. The first full length claymation movie. My dad had this on fucking laserdisc when I was a kid. I remember after my parents got divorced, when our dad got us we would beg him to watch it. Just the whole thing about not being able to touch it, watching dad take it out of its album case holding it on the sides and gently putting it in the player.

I had completely forgotten about it until I was 21-22. I had a friend over and we just got into the genre' of weird and creepy things. He than showed me a video from Youtube that was called something like creepiest kids movie ever or something like that. I lost my breath and I got really dramatic. Started yelling, "What is that? What's that movie?! I've seen that movie!!"

I internet searched for it and found a copy on Amazon, ordered it and now it's my most prized possessions. I cry every fucking time that I watch it because it's the only memory of a time that my whole family was together when we watched it as a kid - before my parents got a divorce. And I did remember asking my dad when I was 10 (during a fucked up time in my life) if he still had it still? He said no and it was the most heartbroken I ever felt - the final nail in the coffin that our family was no more. I know - really dramatic for a kid over a movie but the whole mood at the time put an emphasis that movie somehow represented our family being together.

I share it with anyone who will tolerate it and I've tripped out on it with some friends once - to be recommended.

I think it's brilliant and thought provoking movie and I never thought it was creepy or scary when I was a kid. When I saw that added as a descriptor to the movie I'm just like, wat? Wat is wrong with peeple?

/r/AskReddit Thread