What's a bone marrow donation like?

At the time, they suspected I had leukemia.

I went to the hospital bc of excruciating pain from of an ovarian cyst and significant bleeding (not related to the cyst, but the undiagnosed problem). They thought I had appendicitis and were ready to operate, but there were no ORs available, thank god because it wasn't my appendix. They didn't look hard enough the first time, so the bleeding and pain got worse.

They still wanted to open me up and look around, but my white blood cell count was really low, which made them nervous. Once they finally figured out that I had an extremely rare female condition (which is personal), they gave me a chemo injection to treat (unsuccessfully), which landed me in a clean room. Everyone who came in my room had to wear a mask and be super careful. That's when I had the bone marrow aspiration to see if leukemia was the reason behind my low cell count because the chemo injection I got wasn't potent? enough to explain how drastic my symptoms were. I was also losing a lot of blood. I was like show-and-tell at the hospital for all the medical students. I ended up having to have surgery a few months later. It was a shitty experience. The rarity of what I had was such that no reasonable physician would even think to look. I could have died.

I'm going to delete this after a couple minutes, fyi.

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