What's the craziest conspiracy theory that you've ever heard?

So, actually we have proof of collusion. Which is actually treasonous like behavior. Instead of being upset, you should maybe wonder, why is this happening? Because you sound like a conditioned parrot. "Not to mention the long history of the United States meddling in other foreign elections..." Yea that's actually not the point. The point is a foreign adversary used guerilla warfare tactics to manipulate people here. That's something you need to come to terms with because I'm on your side, Russia isn't.

So, you admitted it happened? Do you need more proof of collusion? Lets totally forget how Kushner attempted a back channel with Russia without any Federal agencies knowing about it. Then lets forget how that dude was the data operations manager for the campaign. Who do we know hacked voter information? Russia.

You are being soft about this, son. Your country is under attack by a foreign adversary and Trump is attempting to dismantle democratic norms. You would be losing your mind if you were on the opposite end of such a display, so lets not pretend you're any different...or smarter.

I don't think you wanna dance with me dude. Go start reading.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent