Ops mom pushes her into traffic, causing early delivery. Op wants now to know if she does not have to allow mommy to pick up her baby.

She might be Jewish but she doesn't sound as if she comes from any of the more reclusive Orthodox communities - which can be Chassidic (whose appearance and clothing is very distinctive, by design) or just ultra-religious (who look like everyone else, except maybe more covered up). I saw the signals but I know those communities inside out, backwards and forwards and if you woke me out of a deep sleep at 2:00 AM, and there is something in the speech and writing style that always gives it away. She doesn't have it.

New York is very much a city where the various neighborhoods in the respective boroughs have a small-town feel. She could just as well be in any number of neighborhoods within a stone's throw of me where * there absolutely are younger generation people who are SAHMs, who live near their parents, who don't drive, and who patronize the same stores and businesses as their parents. * there is a large proportion of people in the neighborhood with family members who serve in law enforcement, or FDNY, or belong to the same industrial unions, and she may very well have the feeling that the cops at her neighborhood precinct know "everyone." Everyone around might be easily within 'six degrees of separation' of knowing everyone else's business.

I live in a place and in a neighborhood where we consider a trip to Manhattan as "going to the City," even if we commute to a job there for decades. This is always a source of mirth to out-of-town visitors.

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