What's the creepiest thing that's happened to you? (Serious) possible NSFW

Wow. That is creepy, I was sitting here thinking I had nothing creepy to tell, but you reminded me of one situation when I was 18.

I had moved onto the UO college campus. I lived in this old beat up frat house similar to the one in the movie Animal House. For all that haven't seen the movie, it was filmed not far away from where I lived.

One night at like 3am on an adderall binge, I went to the bathroom. I lived in the basement with 3 other people, 13 people lived in the house. As I headed into the bathroom I saw one of my roommates in the basement living room area messing around with our game system. We had a PS2, N64 and a few other valuables in that corner of the area. I went to the bathroom and headed back to my room.

I had 13 roommates (not to mention a 14th that lived under the stairs with a fresh litter of kittens, but he didn't really count and that's a different story) so I didn't really think anything of it. While I was sitting on my mattress that resides on the floor, I kept hearing noises out in the basement area. Thinking that it was my roommate who lived to the right of me, I went out to ask for some CDs of this show he downloaded because I was bored. If you are wondering the show was called Trailer Park Boys, my roommate was actually the guy who introduced me to them.

So, as I walked out there, I switched the light on and saw it wasn't any of my roommates. It was this homeless looking guy going through all our shit and bagging it up. I turned around and went back to my room and sat there for a second. I was so surprised I didn't know what to do. After a few seconds I grabbed a bat and went out there. I can't remember what I said to him, but I yelled something along the lines of "who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing?" He said something about being in the wrong house, apologized then ran upstairs and out the side door that went to the basement. I was so stunned and also the ceiling was extremely low that I didn't swing. I sat there for a second then walked outside to find out which way he went. 

I came back inside after a failed attempt of finding him, woke the roommate up that dealt with our rent and called the police. Once the cops arrived they found a bicycle light outside the door that lead into the basement. They never found out who he was, but apparently had broken into other houses even being seen by a few other people. Weird.

Anyways, thanks for reminding me about that. Here I am thinking I didn't have any creepy stories.

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