what's holding you back from loving yourself?

Years of trauma. Mental illness. Fibromyalgia. Plus i keep getting taken advantage of by narcissists so now im scared to make friends (as if i know how) bc what if its another abuser? So im incredibly lonely. And im fat but the weight loss is going super slow because I can only walk or swim without causing unbearable pain and food is one of the few joys i have in my life. Im doing better, got a part time job i like and i getout for a walk more, im just so touch starved i cry alot because I just want to be held but at the same time dont touch me because i grew up without love +affection and i have sensery issues from adhd. I also have attachment issues and dont believe i deserve love even tho people tell me i do. I literally cry when anyone says i do because how could i?

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