What's the most ridiculous reason someone assumed you are gay?

I have been assumed to be gay for a shitload of reasons, but this one seems the most ridiculous.

I used to work as a barista at a local coffee shop owned by a pretty conservative Christian family. Nice enough work, and they were really relaxed about me doing my college homework on the clock as long as there was no work that needed doing. I often complained (in a lighthearted, good-natured way) that the female baristas always got better tips than me, but truth was I got some pretty nice tips from my gay regulars, and most of them were super friendly (flirty) so I was usually happy to see them.

One day, I was working with the owner's son who sometimes picked up shifts here and there, and one of said regulars comes in. We chitchat a little bit but he's off to work and takes off before long. The instant he's out the door, owner's son says "I fuckin' hate gay people, man." I gave him a weird look, but didn't really know what to say, it was just so out of nowhere and so vehement that I was shocked out of responding. He got really uncomfortable and asked "Wait, you're not gay are you?" Told him I didn't have to answer and went back to work.

I was taken off the schedule after that. Wasn't fired, they just stopped giving me hours. I found out a few weeks later that the owner let me go because "he didn't want to support faggots".

TL;DR: Was not disgusted by gay people, must be gay.

/r/AskReddit Thread