What's the most you've seen someone be so out of touch with reality?

This is a common misconception from what I've seen and I thought this way for a long time. Until I went to rehab and literally studied the 12 steps and AA for 3 months straight, nearly all day every day.

It even says in the book that its not a religious program, though it is spiritual. And any references to God are for the sake of getting the point across and it highly encourages finding a higher power of your understanding. All its trying to do is to get you to find a way to live outside of your self / get out of your head. Any group that suggests otherwise is a bad group.

The vast majority of people I met over those 3 months did not believe in God, Christianity or anything else, but rather believed in each other for help / support and jokingly referred to God as Group of Drunks.

You probably don't care, but I felt like sharing what I learned. Mainly because if someone reads this and is struggling, it doesn't hurt to try AA to get help and if it works, great. If it doesn't, try something else.

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