What's one of the most hurtful things someone has ever said to you?

We had known each other a few years, but mostly hung out with our friend group. One summer we were both recently single I asked her out, we went on a few dates, the most we did was kiss. She asked me to buy her some drinks and bring them over. Then when she got them, she let me know a guy she had a crush on finally liked her back, and we had to stop what we had going on.

In the days leading up to this, she had asked for help with the yard, help with her car, if I could pick up a couple things for her, in addition to the drinks I had just bought her. I got upset and asked if she intentionally waited until after I did those favors before she was going to let me know.

"You did it because you're desperate for a girl to even look at you".

/r/AskReddit Thread