What's the quickest way someone lost your respect?

Something like this occurred to me in college, however it was more of "all my friend dumping me" all of a sudden.

Over a month span, my friends started not wanting to hang out with me. I really took notice when my group of friends were returning from a movie, on the same day they said they couldnt go to the movies that day (I eventually found movie ticket receipts on the ground.)

I immediately questioned all of them "what was up?"

They told me that...my roommate (Good friend at the time) didnt want to hang out with me anymore, and was slowly convincing them that I was annoying and 'uncool."

I stared blankly at them, and responded (giving them the benefit of the doubt), "Look... though I would have LOVED for you guys/gals to have defended me, ill give you the benefit of the doubt. However, I want to ask what about me is so annoying? I mean, if there is an aspect about me that is annoying or uncool, let me know.. ill tell you off or change, but confront me."

They were... flabbergasted and rightly seemed embarrassed. I went further, "Look, if I am annoying and you dont want to hang with me fine... but, if you have an issue with people who are annoying... why the hell do you hang out with my roommate?"

My roommate... was the larger then average, loud, obnoxious, rude, gross individual but charismatic enough to make up for those flaws type of guy. The issue now though, is what happens when everyone has the revelation that he isnt as charismatic as he appeared to be?

The end result was that my group of friends exiling my roommate out right, and actually putting in effort to make it up to me. I didnt want them to exile my roommate as they did... but he essentially had a childish hissy fit when we confronted him about this issue and gave him a chance to explain himself.

Good times O_o

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