What's the saddest truth?

This may seem minor by comparison, but I'm sort of going through this with my best friend. I know it wasn't a marriage but I feel like the level of betrayal and hurt is sort of relevant.

Friends for 16 years, probably the only person other than my husband who knew me inside and out. She left her husband a year and a half ago and was having a rough time supporting her kids so we let her move in with us.

This isn't a case of "friends shouldn't live together" because it went really well. No fights, no tensions whatsoever. I'm a stay at home mom so I looked after her kids when she had them so she could save on childcare. This was our situation for over a year.

One day she tells me she decided 3 weeks prior to move out, left her kids with her ex and hasn't been around to see them since (4 months ago). Left all her stuff in my house for me to take care of, left her job and doesn't speak to me or any of our friends anymore.

This is out of character for her and so conflicting with everything I know about this person that I truly believe she has to have had some kind of mental breakdown or something. The one time she did speak to me she was so cold and impersonal that it felt like I was talking to a stranger.

It's heartbreaking. I love her, she was like family. My kid misses her and her kids and our other friends are just as perplexed and hurt as I am. The weird part is that we were probably the closest we had ever been leading up to this while living together.

So, like I said, not quite the same scope as your situation, but I feel for you.

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