What's a secret you can only share with online strangers?

In college I sexually assaulted a girl. We were hanging out in my dorm room and she didn’t want to go back to hers because her roommate was already asleep so she slept in my bed. When she fell asleep, I touched her inappropriately and kissed her on the lips once. She tossed in her sleep which made me snap to my senses thinking, “What the fuck am I doing?” I turned away and went to sleep. Turns out she was awake and scared the whole time.
What’s worse is that after she reported me I denied it out of fear and never got punished. I still feel the guilt every day. I want to apologize so she can have the justice of hearing the truth from me but I’m also afraid of getting cancelled if she decides to follow through with that route.

/r/AskReddit Thread