What's the shittiest thing someone has ever done to you?

Probably not as extreme as the others of the list, but it's still pretty shitty.

A few years ago, I figured a long distance relationship wouldn't be so bad. It went nicely for the first ~8 months or so, I'll admit that. I was still a 15 year old kid who couldn't drive yet, so I only got to see her once. No biggie, we had FaceTime and all that other fun stuff. My best friend had just gotten his license though (he was roughly a year and a half older than me), so I figured he might be able to drive me down on a weekend or something and we could all chill out down there. However, whenever I asked about it, he liked to make up excuses as to why he couldn't. Oh, his mom wouldn't let him. Or maybe he was low on gas and had to pay for something else. I believed it, since his mother did seem on the strict side. All goes well for a while.

Maybe around 5 months in, my best friend tells me that he's having a kid, and he wants me and my then-girlfriend to be the god parents. Honestly, we were kinda stoked at the time. Little did we know, that wouldn't be the case. Around 8 months in, shit starts to go down, she's always mad at me for some reason, all kinds of stuff. I figure it's just a stage in the relationship or whatever, it'll pass. I probably should have ended it there, looking back. Another month later, my best friend has the kid, I ask about the godparent situation, he says he'll have to talk to his girlfriend about it, then I don't know hear anything from him for the next month.

Here's the part where shit really happens. Roughly a month later, my girlfriend breaks up with me. 16 year old me is heartbroken, but I got through it easily enough. A few weeks later, I get a Facebook message from my best friends girlfriend. Turns out he had broken up with her, hooked up with my now ex, was driving the ~100 miles down to her house daily to see her, and even brought her up to where I lived. After I had asked him several times to drive me down there only to get a no, he was suddenly able to drive there daily. About a week passes and now she's borderline stalking me, asking what I'm doing at a certain place downtown, wondering where I am, etc. A few times I would be walking downtown, she'd pass by in his car, see me walking with a friend, and then feel the need to insult my friends. "Why do you hang out with that person? They're so ugly". Christ, at least they aren't a psycholo.

Tl;dr friend ditched his girlfriend and kid weeks after the kid was born, hooked up with my girlfriend and drove 100+ miles daily to see her after refusing to take me down to see her even once

This was a few years ago, so I'm pretty much over now. They broke up after he cheated on her 3 times. He works at Walmart, I'll occasionally have a nice chat with him, and I've added my ex on Facebook, even though I never use it. So things have settled down. I forgot to add this to the main part, but their favorite way of telling me they were fucking was by sending me the link to "I just had sex" by The Lonely Island.

Don't do long distance, kids, it ain't worth it.

/r/AskReddit Thread