What's something embarrassing you're willing to admit?

When I was 16 I pretended to have magical powers because I didn't know how/couldn't be bothered to tell my friends they were insane. It went really far and indirectly made my friend drop out of high school. It didn't help that his girlfriend who perpetuated the whole thing was obsessed with me and constantly told him my magic was stronger than his, so he pushed his luck further and further. It got really messed up. When I broke up with my girlfriend his girlfriend broke up with him and started chasing me. We got really drunk and stoned together and ended up hooking up on her trampoline while she told me her dreams came true and she finally got me and all this other stuff that I went along with just because I was sad and desperate. I just avoided her after that and never addressed what happened. I have become more responsible over the years.

/r/AskReddit Thread