What's a thing you did as a kid you're not proud of?

My friend and I caused a police chase. As a kid I lived in a mediterranean country. This is relevent because I feel that they are less strict with where and when their kids can go to certain places. We would be exploring the whole town after school and on days off. For a reason I still can't figure out, my friend would spit on a window of a small shop every time we passed by. Naturally the lady who owned the shop wasn't too fond of that. But, since we were kids she would just yell at us and that would be it. After weeks of the same thing, she got sick of it. One day when when my friend spit on the window, a large man suddenly came out of the shop yelling at the top of his lungs. Turns out it was her husband. He threatened us to never so it again. So, us being shitty little kids, decided it would be hilarious to spit on it right as he stops talking. We booked it. And the man got into his car to chase us ( we were 7-8 at the time but very agile and quick). After what seems like forever, we were really tired and slowed down. We didnt notice that we just past a police officer. The husband quickly hit the breaks and started complaining to the officer. Deciding that it would be a great opportunity to teach us a lesson the officer went with it. This is when we realized getting caught meant our parents finding out. We suddenly gained energy again (probably adrenaline) and ran for our lives. Having two cars chasing us caused more attention to be drawn and more police cars to follow. For me it seemed like the most important game of tag and hide and seek of my life. Luckily though as it got darker we started to lose them until we were safe. Came back home as though nothing happened and bragged about it for weeks.

Now when I think about it I realize just how much of little shits we really were. Made a man's day terrible and waisted the time of the police....

/r/AskReddit Thread