What's the WORST concert you have ever been to?

My worst happened to be Uriah Heep also probably about that same time. It was at the palace in waterbury ct. I wouldn't have bother to comment feeling the same as you about commenting on shit that happened that long ago. Waterbury didn't like concerts even though they had them right in the center of town. So in the hours prior the resturants etc locked their doors to the kids going to the shows. I think it was the first time I had ever gone to Waterbury for any reason I and believe that was the last as well. We were there early enough so we figured we'd go get something to eat or drink. Walk up to places with people in them grab the door handle and it's locked. All the patrons and staff just looking at us like we were zombies. Now mind you it was the 70's so no doubt most people were pretty blitzed on one substance or another or both. So in retrospect I don't blame them. The worst part though was it was ga and they totally oversold, so there were more people than seats, way more. Where do all the extra people go that can't find seats? To the front of the stage and in the aisles. The problem with that was for security they hired some biker gang that stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the stage and would beat the shit out of the people in front of them. So it was this mob of people pushing forward and everyone in front getting fucked up. This continued for the entire show. I can't remember ...oh wait it was Robin Trower and Uriah Heap and I really can't remember anything about either of them.

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