Whats wrong with some people on this sub?

Iran was once secular, what changed it to go to the Islamic republic of Iran.

US backed dictatorship

Turkey was once secular too under attaturk, is today’s turkey the same?

yes,there is no persecution of minorities and its still officially secular

they aren’t official religion nations.

so what? they are still overwhelmingly christian,hindu,etc and some of their actions/policies reflect that.

but as it stands Islam has the highest number of officially declared states.

and youre still taking as an example the worst ones and generalizing

and seems to have a problem with the one Jew one

the jew one came to Palestine,took the Palestinians land and is now oppressing them.

and the one Hindu one.

Pakistan is the one who has an always had problems with India.Pakistan also has problems with Bangladesh,Afghanistan and Iran too (i wonder what religion those countries are)

Most of the laws in Pakistan, Iran etc come from the faith not secularism.

They are officially ''islamic'' countries,thats why.

/r/ABCDesis Thread Parent