What's your choice?

I guess it's a repost. So:

Let's say you have to chose 16 protagonists each from a GTA game from GTA 1 to GTA Online. [GTA London will have 2 as they are 1961 and 1969, and otherwise in case of games where there are >1 protagonists (the choice) like GTA 5, only one from T/M/F is there that is you can chose any one.]

The rules are you can chose any 4 of 16 protagonists. The other 12 haunts you. In case of choices like GTA 2 where 7 protagonists are there, you chose 1, 1 of other 6 comes after you and after their death the other one comes. Assuming GTA online has 2 protagonists, one male and female and as far as I know there are 26 protagonists in GTA 1. [2 in GTA online as I think it makes more sense than 1, like some major missions require 2 players like The Doomsday Heist, I don't know much I haven't played GTAO]

I chose: 1. Franklin: Has the potential to kill both

/r/GTA Thread Link - i.redd.it