What's your favorite line of all time from a rap song?

Really pains me that I can't really put lines in other languages in here to compete with the American classics. I'll try anyways. I love to listen to German battle-rap and some of the stuff they say is hilarious.

"Lieber B-E-$-$-E-R, du bist leider nicht so ein doller, doller Gegner"

"Dear B-E-$-$-E-R, sadly you aren't such a decent opponent"

Name of the opponent was "Be$$er" which means "better" in German, only with $ signs instead of the double s. Also, dollar sounds like "doller" (from doll/e), which is a semi-slang word for "toll", so "great" or decent". From VBT Sorgenkind vs. Be$$er.

Second one goes like this "Du fährst mit deinem Parship über den Niagara, deine Singles haben kein Niveau, ich bin Elite, Partner."

"You fall down the Niagara with your Parship, your singles have no class, I am elite, partner."

A counter to a line of his opponent that talked about his singles being in the charts and comparing them to "Parship", a dating website for singles (so single as in no girlfriend or single as in a single track released). In the counter, the rapper says that his opponent's parship falls down the Niagara, because he himself is "elite, partner," with "Elitepartner" being another dating website that markets itself to singles with class/higher education. From RBA Cro vs. Bladesa

Last one: "Wer bläst isst dick".

"Who blows eats dick"

This one is simple but tricky to explain since it's a bilingual joke. If you heard about Rammstein's "du hast", you'll be familiar with the idea though. The line can be heard as two distinct sentences "Wer bläst ist dick" (note the single "s" in "ist") and translates to "Who blows is fat". Just a basic diss to the opponents weight and calling him gay, although it makes little sense why you'd be fat if you blow. The second way you can hear the line is as quoted above. It plays on the difference between "ist" (is) and "isst" (eats), as well as "dick" (fat in German) and "dick" (english for dick). Took me a while to catch the line myself. Layers man. Don't know the exact battle, but it's from RRG and I think from the VCB tournament.

I love that stuff, so hopefully someone sees that and is interested.

/r/AskReddit Thread