When a customer reports that you never delivered their order, do you call into support?

these complaints are likely AI generated, geofencing on your phone and house, etc. address used to compare locations and generate fake complaints, that no "customer" most likely ever sent.

If you want to see what I am talking about, can deliver for Amazon Flex and see how they will only let you mark a package drop off as "completed" in the app, when you/your phone, are so many feet away from residence, even if you drop off a package and go to swipe completed at some point while walking away etc. It won't let you mark as completed unless you walk back to the geo-fenced(GPS) location associated with the address. Then when you are within x number of feet from center of GPS geofence, then you can mark delivery complete.

Don't worry about these types of complaints they are unavoidable, and I'm sure that Uber knows, or at least quite a few people at Uber likely know that it is their software which likely produces these complaints, not "customers".

/r/uberdrivers Thread