Backlash after Florida governor signs bill against ‘indoctrination’ at colleges Republican Ron DeSantis claims university campuses are ‘intellectually repressive environments’

Ron De Santis and the Republicans are trying to create a more healthy and realistic balance and stability in the literature and the educational lessons that university teachers are teaching that is more of a practical and diverse open minded ideology instead of closed minded critical race theory which is being taught and promoted by Barack Obama and the Democrats which is a narrow minded prejudiced view of the history of the United States blaming white Caucasian European and European colonialism only for the slavery era in the United States instead of understanding that all of human history on Earth is because of God's plan of necessity not racism against Africans only.College level students are trying to find out who they are and what they believe in themselves as eighteen to twenty two or twenty three year old college students in addition to learning their universities curriculum when they are college students for four to twelve years .I know that taking surveys statistically at the colleges nationally helps gather hard data from students and faculty to analyze which helps provide a better way of the faculty and government measuring and understanding the unspoken views and opinions of students and faculty and helps to understand the general collegiate experience of their students and faculty based on their answers to the survey questions that they fill out .The Republicans use data ,traditional ,and conventional practical methods to make intelligent and informed decisions and agendas where the Democrats use statistics also but they use more emotional non practical approaches of liberal and radical brainwashing and false or distorted social media propaganda campaigns , non practical tax and spend agendas,and over promising and under delivering on their campaign promises in their political and social agendas usually.You can only measure the results of De Santis's and the Republicans college educational reform agenda after four to eight years of their stat gathering agenda being tried in colleges instead of people projecting their subjective opinion onto unknown results of De Santis's and the Republicans educational reform approach.The Republicans are trying to maintain the traditional and conventional non critical race college teachings because critical race theory is another prejudiced tool of Barack Obama and the Democrats to indoctrinate college students minds into a prejudiced narrow minded anti nationalistic anti American Communistic and Marxist mindset trying to teach people that European Caucasian White colonialism or the proliferation of agricultural workers who picked cotton and tobacco during slavery in the United States from the years of the 1700's to 1850 and the corporate financial structure that colonialism built only oppressed citizens of color or African American,Latin American,and Chinese citizens in the United States designed by racism which was actually God's will designed by necessity as part of the foundation of the United States.Every continent including Africa,India,China,and Russia all have had similar or worse labor conditions in relation to physical slavery of their own citizens of their own proprietary continental national population historically so the United States is not the only continent who used the forced cheap labor practices that people called slavery historically.God wrote all of this in the Old Testament ,the Christian bible,and the Quran before the slave era came to fruition in the United States so blaming white Republicans in modern contemporary times for past and current slavery of people of different ethnicities is useless and is why people should learn their past history and understand it and then move on mentally ,spiritually,and physically beyond their past .African Americans have basically been physically free in the United States since 1850 and 1968 so critical race theory is already included in the normal teachings of United States history in college iteneraries .Every or most nations and continents and countries have had slavery,wars,genocides,prisons,and oppression of their citizens not just the United States only.The United States liberated Africans from African ,Saudi Arabian,and Spanish slavery because of the civil war and the emancipation proclamation which cost 250,000 northern soldiers lives to free Africans in the United States.The United States has done far more historically for Africans in the last seventy years since the civil rights movement since 1968 then the continent of Africa has done for Africans financially,socially ,and physically .The United States needs to promote the truth of history by teaching the traditional accurate history of the United States without white guilt attached to any history lesson because everything that happened in the history of humanity on Earth was written by God or Allah and is not primarily the fault of white Caucasian European Americans or the United States .Critical race theory is just another term for teaching history through a skewed narrow minded racism and prejudice view and perspective against white European Caucasian Americans by the Democrats .The Democrats have tried to turn the United States which is a free capitalist racially and ethnically diverse United States with free speech and freedom of religion into Barack Obama's and the Democrats Communist Marxist gay and lesbian radical Islamic Sharia law liberal left agendas and policies only which has caused more social and political division with protests and riots by Black lives matters and Antifa ,cost trillions of dollars of financial loss because of failed Democratic policies ,caused a stolen presidential election in 2020 ,and has caused five months of civil insurrection in 2020 because of Black lives matters, Antifa,and radical illegal liberal actions supported by Barack Obama and the Democrats who also believe in teaching critical race theory in colleges nationally.Every person has to think and act logically and practically in their own lives and in society regardless of their ethnicity, gender,age,social caste, sexual orientation ,or political and religious and spiritual beliefs.The Democrats want to use the same or worse oppression and fascism as Democratic Communists and Marxists that they are trying to blame white European colonialism for historically at least since 2008 since Barack Obama's first illegal presidency.The identity of the United States is a free nation that is a possibility and is a work in progress that is an ethnically and socially diverse melting pot and mosaic of human beings including everyone equally with law and order, societal traditions,and societal and political conventions but the United States is not just the Democratic failed agendas and policies only that the Democrats want to destroy the United States with .The Democrats want to destroy the United States in twelve years because they are sentient evil beings and are working with Barack Obama who is an antichrist figure who only oppresses,kills,steals,and lies beside Obamacare which is a reorganizing of the affordable care act that he named after himself regardless of other people's contribution to the Obamacare plan which Donald Trump changed and improved so the Obamacare plan should be called the affordable health care act again .Barack Hussein Obama should be trialed and sentenced after being tried in a court of law for his crimes of international terrorism,embezzlement,perjury,collusion,and obstruction of justice as a fake president along with all the other Democratic politicians who colluded with him and who are terrorists who are masquerading as Democratic politicians.Barack Obama's African Kenyan father was a drunk physically abusive to women cook for the British which is not usually the family and career lineage to pass on to a United States president .Barack Obama has never gotten punished in his life for his thirty years of criminal behavior as a civilian alcoholic,drug addict,terrorist and as a fake Democratic politician who is a pawn of the CIA who is an ignorant racist terrorist who hates the United States,European Caucasian Christians ,and the Republicans.All people should give Ron De Santis 's college educational agenda a fair chance before judging him or his unknown results because time and the data and results will statistically prove whether the college agenda works or not in reality not in people's minds.

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