When the Indo-Aryans ruled a large part of the Middle East

a) How is it "hilarious", you fucking tard? It's genetics.

Yeah, the same genetics that sing Balle balle, are racist and hate their own people, have a drug crisis, cause violence and crime in the west, etc. There are good people too, but there's so many gangsta-tier retards.

Also the region of present day punjab were basically irrelevant during the age of Aryavarta. The important kingdoms were Kosala and Kuru.

Oh my God...am I talking to one those Hindus who think Aryans were fucking flying fighter jets? They were an advanced civilisation, they didn't need to "take our philosophies". In fact, what fucking philosophies did they take?

I'm only talking about Philosophy, you fucking illiterate moron. Greeks were very intelligent in the practical sense. Business, engineering, etc. However, in terms of Philosophy so much of their shit is blatant copy pasta-tier thought from Samkhya philosophy and Vedic texts.

Prominent scholars have already commented on Indic influence of Greek thought, it's just they benefited from being on the right side of history so the average joe doesn't know this shit. I shudder when I think of how much Indian history and texts were deleted when Taxila got destroyed.

/r/bakchodi Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org