[SC] Wrecked with a minor on a off-road vehicle. My insurance company put them 75% at fault, but they are denying liability.

It was my own vehicle. I told my insurance company from the beginning that I was working at the time. That made my collision coverage invalid, but I'm still covered under liability.

The kid was scraped up, but he got up right away and I helped him flip his vehicle back over and push it off the road. He later pushed it to a nearby house with the help of some people. He was wearing a helmet fortunately. The package I got from his lawyer, though, says that he was "seriously and permanently injured." I suspect that that's exaggerated, but who knows.

So, what is my worst case scenario here? The worst thing I can think of is that they win in court against me but not my employer, and they win more than my liability coverage is worth and come after my assets, which would just be my two vehicles. I don't have any cash worth seizing. I suspect, though, that if they win against me, they would also win against my employer. Would my employer would have to cover everything or would my employer and my insurance company split the cost somehow?

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