12 Things I Learned About Scott Dawson

Honestly, I thought the Revival vs American Alpha was the best tag team match of the year (and my personal pick for MOTY so far). The Revival are firing on all cylinders right now, and while the chemistry between Dash and Dawson is the biggest part in their success, I think Dawson individually has improved out of sight and looks to be the better of the two. He really fully embraces what it is to be an old school dirty heel, and in NXT he can stick to that gimmick and refine it before the inevitable call-up to RAW. The matches may be scripted, but every move Dawson seems to do in the ring has some heelish tendency, whether it be knocking off an opposing tag partner off the apron for no reason other than he can and should, or distracting the referee so that Dash can do something illegal, and it's so refreshing to see because nowadays heel tag teams don't do that enough. I think Dawson and the Revival are going to do great things in this second run, and I hope that WWE don't bury them immediately when they rise to the main roster because in my mind they have something special in them.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread