When the surgeon yells at me for "not doing my job", yet I've saved his ass about 4 different times over the last 2 shifts for just one patient.

He wanted to give a patient with a 2.8 potassium 40 mEq potassium PO, and just 1 unit of blood for a hemoglobin of 6.2, so I basically had to direct him to give 40 mEq IV with a prn order for repeat potassiums and prn doses. Then the next day, the patient was having chest pain, and I call him up, and he's like "Well, just call rapid response, and order what you think you need to order. I'll be there when I'm done with this surgery." So, I suggest consulting a hospitalist to direct care, and he shot that down. Well, a VQ scan later, we find that the pt has a PE. I call him back up, and he's like, well let's start a heparin drip. I'm putting in the order and remember that the patient has a history of HIT's. So, I have to call him back and tell him, and he proceeds to sit there and yell at me. Saying that it's ridiculous that I keep calling him. He then yells, that if I was doing my job right the first time around, then I wouldn't have to keep calling him back. I'm setting up a meeting with my unit manager tomorrow, and I'm recommending an e-mail be sent to chief of surgery or whoever concerning all his bullshit.

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