When I tell you I GASPED-

I know how important representation in media is. My dad LOVED when Daniel Craig became James Bond bc Bond was Blonde and Blue eyed again

That is super weird. You like blonde actors in roles because they look like you? Why? So strange. I don't care what someone looks like or if they superficially share some feature i have. Why in the world would i?

I mean maybe if you're a child i guess it could maybe matter if you never saw it. But as an adult? Who the hell cares? I have green eyes, if i see the next Bond has green eyes you think it's normal that i'm now happy about it? No, it's weird weird weird.

these people will be burning in hell in about 60 years anyways.

Hell is a made up thing dude. Obviously. But imagining people having to burn eternally in hell because they had a controversial take on a shit disney movie is sort of hilarious in a dark way.

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