When Whites perceive that there is a numerical decline in the White population, they develop more conservative racial and political attitudes

The attitude of having less children comes from environmental factors, high prices, less child deaths, stable society, inheritance advantage, smaller living spaces, traffic, overcrowding. Yet old school economists who want constant growth look at the aging population so advice increased immigration. They believe larger populations always result in more trade/higher wealth/quality of life. They don't factor in overcrowding and the increased stress lowing quality of life, meaning we don't want kids. Japans shrinking population is concerning for their economy, but it's always been a horror story seeing how small their apartments are, perhaps their quality of life will rise when their apartment sizes double.

We are being told by nature to stop breeding and by government to keep breeding (or import the difference), if immigration is needed to keep the ages equal shouldn't we also be advocating for teen pregnancy and families of 10+? Seems like a welfare of individual vs group welfare issue. Seems there is a term "Shrink and prosper".

/r/science Thread Parent Link - journals.sagepub.com