Which ADCs and Supports work together?

I will list supports listed in the client as support, and then list ADCs that go well with said supports.

  • Bard : has no amazing synergy with anyone IMO, just overall a decent champ. DO NOT PICK MF WITH BARD DEAR GOD PLEASE.

  • Nunu : I don't think Nunu really has a place as support anymore. He lacks the damage potential of Brand, the utility of a more traditional support, and no sustain for his partner.

  • Lulu is good with aggressive poke-y champs and twitch because dat ult can save him. : Ezreal/Corki/Varus/Sivir/twitch

  • Janna goes well with almost any champ but heavily favors AGRESSIVE lane dominant ADCs who want to trade. - Caitlyn/Lucian/MF/Draven

  • Braum is basically a huge cuck. Lucian is his favorite laner.

  • Blitzcrank is a pubstomp champ, he is god awful with every single laner and I hate this little shit, dear god if you take blitz DO NOT FUCKING HOOK IF YOU RISK MISSING. i dont want to count how much CS ive missed because a blitz missed hook, much less how many times ive gotten all inned because he missed a hook.

  • Nami is my favorite support goes well with anything.. I just love that she is so versatile. She has strong CC, auto attack enhancer, and can sustain you for days against aggressive plays.

  • Sona is the weakest support at level 1... she is LESS TANKY THAN A CANNON MINION I wish it was a joke, but she is. Goes great with bursty poke champs.. Ezreal, Lucian, Varus, Corki

  • Soraka is crazy sustain and can keep you alive even if you fuck up 5 times, goes best with either lane DOMINANT OR very weak early game champs. IMO average laning phase champs she just sucks with.

  • Tahm Kench the unbencher. literally a pain in the ass to play against because he grabs someone who got caught and takes them to safety. Goes best with immobile ADCs, you know what those are already.

  • Taric goes best with champs who like to get in yo face HEAVILY favoring BURST champions who do not having magic damage abilities due to his armor shattering. and fuck your day up. Graves is BY FAR the best combo, having insane burst. Graves/Draven/Lucian/

  • Thresh IDK much, he just seems to do ok with most.

  • Zilean... I dont like having a support zilean, they always hide behind me and miss bombs, imo is just outclassed same was as nunu is but is a bit mroe viable.

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