Which anime made you cry the hardest?

These answers will probably be in line with many others, but I think that just speaks to the poignant success of each.

{A Silent Voice} Nearly every scene in this movie made me cry, and some made me bawl. I honestly almost couldn't watch it because it was too difficult, as someone very important to me has experienced similar tribulations as Shouko.

{Ano Hana} The funny thing is, I tried to watch Ano Hana three times and wasn't feeling it. But the fourth time I returned to it, I got to episode four. From the end of episode four through the rest of the entire season it had me in tears. It's an excellent study on how people who experience trauma during their fundamental years attempt and often fail to cope.

{Your Lie In April} The first time YLIA made me cry was during episode four whenever I was emotionally moved by the extent of passion and determination conveyed during the music performance scenes. It then proceeded to wrench my heart like a wet rag for nearly twenty more episodes and by the end I had both grown and shrunk as a person.

/r/Animesuggest Thread