Which is the best girl to marry?

I like all of them, honestly (With a few exceptions).

They all have unique qualities and quirks, and it's all balanced in a way that each girl is a different experience, a different kind of joy, a different kind of headache, a different unique flavour so to speak. And you can't compare different flavours.

For that same reason, I really have no favourites.

So why did I go with Emily? For contrast mostly. She lives in the clouds while the player is very down to earth. Emily seeks to escape the countryside (or rather the lack of life possibilities) in search of something more, the player seeks the countryside to escape the city life and find a purpose within nature. Emily is a very talented artist (my theory) with the tools to possibly stand out from the crowd, the player was just another part of the crowd.

[EDIT1]Typping this at work but gotta leave. Will edit further and correct typos and weird phrasing once I get home.

/r/StardewValley Thread