"Character Hate Trains" are so exhausting to read about

The dating scene has become very demanding and people are staying single because they aren't able to even compromise on one thing or forgive one flaw. Ex: the guy opens the door for you and he is immediately sexist, but he doesn't offer to pay for you and then he's cheap and not raised right.

All that to say, people are expecting that from literal characters on a video game. They are already programmed like that. No, you cannot change them, you cannot make them better(except you're into mods), they are just a piece of code and pixels. They were written with flaws and quirks and I'm glad they are not perfect in every way, makes their personalities more believable.

We're allowed to not like one or any, but writing a long post about how bad the character is and even shaming people for liking them and marrying them??? Go touch some grass.

/r/StardewValley Thread