Which celebrity did you meet and found they were much kinder/ruder than you expected?

I guess what I'm saying is that I went to a couple stand up shows and was in awe. I enjoyed myself so much that I went back and saw the same comic again that weekend. It was the same show, pretty much word for word with the same pauses, the same intonation and cadence, the same crowd work. As I left, I told my wife "I didn't realize it was so organized and rehearsed. I could do that."

Now I do.

This time last year, I was in Calgary headlining one of the clubs there Dec 26th-Jan 1st. A couple came to my show on the 27th and stuck around afterward to talk. As they were leaving, I told them to come back for our New Year's Eve show. I was shocked that they did, and they brought friends. I felt bad that they were getting basically the same show again, but afterward the couple said they enjoyed it even more the second time. And then a month later COVID came and destroyed the industry.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent