Which fictional death hit you the hardest?

HXH AND THE Promised Neverland Spoilers

Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format Im sorry I have to do this because mobile format

Komugi and Meruem just hit me so hard the more and more human Meruem had become the more i was devastated. And the build up to Normans death and the impact it had on Emma and Ray was heartbreaking to the point I was barely able to watch the following episodes.

/r/AskReddit Thread