Which random stranger do you still remember, and why?

This will get buried, but whatever.

I’m the kind of person who really appreciates when dark humor happens to me (I know, super quirky and unique). It helps me cope with bad shit.

Anyways. I was waiting on line at the pharmacy to pick up medication that would induce an abortion. I was quietly crying to myself, but not enough where anyone around me would have noticed unless they were really looking. When I got to the counter and the pharmacist pulled up my prescription, she asked “are you pregnant?” To which I replied “yes.” She looked a little alarmed, and then worriedly said “you can’t take this medication if you’re pregnant!”

I. Lost. My. Shit. I just burst out laughing, through the tears. I probably looked insane.

She realized what she had done immediately and was obviously mortified, but the whole exchange honestly brightened one of my shittiest days ever. Thanks, random pharmacist lady.

/r/AskReddit Thread