Which two subreddits are enemies?

Don't be deceived by its length - it is a lengthy argument but certainly not a well-reasoned one.

He's just using the "no true Muslim" fallacy in a roundabout way to claim that someone with "proper" knowledge of Islam would believe that apostasy is not punishable by death.

This kind of argument is also used for terrorists and all sorts of things like Charlie Hebdo was just some random terrorists and most Muslims will not actually kill you for drawing a picture of Muhammad.

Another well known trick is to quote something from the Quran and claim that it is not to be taken "literally" or that it has to be "interpreted" in a certain way etc.

The fact of the matter is that Christianity went through a reform, and Islam which is at most a really bad copy of Christianity & Judaism desperately needs to go through a reform as well.

It is not a surprise that 99% of terrorist attacks, honor killings, Muslims killing other Muslims who they think are not the "right" Muslims, women being stoned for witchcraft and adultery and all kinds of ass backwards 7th century practices are all done by Muslims following Islam today.

Islam is a cancer of a religion, with Wahhabi Islam in particular being the most fucked up out of all the "forms" of Islam.

I can paste a bunch of verses too but I don't care to share fucked up verses said by a pedophile who married a 6 year old and had sex with her when she was 9, and who was the most unique "prophet" in that he was a war lord savagely murdering people across Arabia to spread his "religion" by the sword.

Islam needs to be thrown into the trash can of history just like Nazism was.

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