To the white nationalists, the_donald, and far right extremist never moose who post here. Why?

A never-moose here! I was brought here some time ago and I enjoy reading the cynicism, but also empathize and want to be open to help anybody in real time who needs it. I currently have friends in very oppressive homes so I know how awful it can be (at least from an outside perspective. I can't relate.). Not an alt-right or leftist or anything, but I have a bit to add.

The thing with the extremists this sub is seeing is that the whole "against islam" thing supports their agendas. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but when this sub first started getting popular (subreddit of the day) and a lot of people started flooding in, wasn't there a post accepting everyone's perspectives (I believe specifically from the_donald or something?)? These people weren't pushed away from the start. Someone insane enough who looks for every excuse to push their own agenda will go as far as fabricating their own stories as well. I think it's an unfortunate thing that this sub will continue to see as it goes on, until it's irritating enough that the mods have to implement bots. I hope you get more satisfying answers!

/r/exmuslim Thread