Who did you see ruin their life the fastest?

I met one of my former good friends around 7th grade. In 8th grade he was caught with marijuana along with a few other kids. His mom was a super nice lady, but she was extremely disappointed in him, his older sister was extremely mean to him at home, and his grandma gave off the vibe that she saw my friend as a disappointment. I gave him words of encouragement and tried to be the best friend that I could be, but explicitly told him that if he does it again I will cut connections with him. I didn't want those types in influences in my life. In high school he was caught smoking marijuana by his mom (and luckily not by the police again), so I just stopped talking to him. In our senior year of high school he was caught with acid in the trunk of his car. Not exactly sure what he was charged with, but I am glad I cut him out of my life.

Also the same year the former friend was arrested there was a kid at my high school that lost his full ride to play football at prestigious university after someone shot a video of the kid doing cocaine off of some girl's body the night of prom.

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