Who is the scariest person you've ever met?

Hope I'm not too late for this. Happened just last month

I was in Ueno, Japan for a holiday on my own and one day i decided to take a long walk and basically get lost in a place i didnt speak the language or know anyone. (Yep)

So i as out in this isolated area looking at an old shrine by the lake in my own little world, when this Japanese man, in dodgy English said "you Australian?" I am, not sure how he guessed it, probably because i was the whitest mofo around. He was wearing old clothes but looked completely friendly with a big smile on his face.

"I am the only free man in Japan" he exclaimed. "even the fucking Emporor is locked up in his tower with a key. You know why Im the only free man? Because i have diamonds in this bag." I was wierded out bit curiosity got the better of me. "diamonds?" I asked.

He pulls out a bag of books, low quality short stories. "I wrote these. Would you be interested?" i had plenty of money so i sat with him and bought a book off him. (He was clearly homless and just wanted a friend).

He then offers to read one to me for free. He starts as i sit comfortably on the tree next to him. As he starts reading i realize he is not telling stories but talking about his own political views. He is a racist against Japanese people and wants to leave.

Basically the jist of the book was that he and his wife was wronged by some corrupt cops resulting in the death of his wife. (I couldn't understand specifics). He was after revenge and told of a plan to light himself on fire on the public trains as a political statement against the Japanese lifestyle.

Turns out you can actually find this man online. He goes by "the racist japanese man".

I will find a link.

/r/AskReddit Thread