Who will think of my dogs?! And my transportation?! oh by the way, i want to avoid work because of covid and want unemployment.

substition location bot:

Sorry if I'm rambling or anything, this just happened. my job let me start working from home back in March. I was the only one taking covid seriously, no one else cared to stay home. It's been fine for the past few months, my boss will try to make me come in for little things like company pictures or company meetings, but then when I explain I don't want the one day I come in to be when it's crowded and the entire company is there without masks, he backs off and I stay home.

About a month ago someone totaled my husband's car. No big deal since I'm working from home anyways and we don't go out much except for groceries. He isn't able to work from home so he's taking my car to work.

A few weeks ago my boss told me he eventually wants to change my duties (I schedule assessments, he wants me to start scheduling installations). I told him it might be hard for me to schedule installs from home since I wouldn't be able to see if things were physically checked into the warehouse. He said that would be no problem and they already have systems for checking things in that would help. This change hasn't happened yet, I'm still just scheduling assessments.

Last week was slow, I emailed the boss's daughter (who runs the installation part of the business) asking if anyone needed help with calls and she told me since my work had slowed down a little that would affect my hours (btw I'm a full time employee and even when it's slow my boss has always told me he wants me to get my 40 hours). This woman has never been my boss or given me responsibilities. She said that if I wanted to help schedule installs I would have to physically be in the office. I told her that the boss assured me I could do everything from home since I don't have a car now. She said she didn't know anything about that and that if I wanted to "supplement my hours" I would have to find a way to make it to the office. This was all over email. I never responded to her because she isn't my boss and I figured I just wouldn't offer to help anymore until my actual boss told me when I would start scheduling like the original plan.

Fast forward to this week, haven't heard from my boss in about a week and a half. Nothing else from his daughter. I've been chugging along, normal hours, working with what I can. This morning I'm not able to clock in and I have an email from boss's daughter basically saying "last week you never responded about supplementing your hours, yet you still worked 44 hours. It was too slow for you to work 44 hours. We were willing to let you work from home when there was a covid outbreak but it's not working out anymore. To continue working you must come in the office". Now she, nor my boss, will answer their phones.

I responded saying basically that my boss always assured me I could do everything from home, that he wanted me to get my full time hours, that it would be over $50 per day to uber back and forth to work and who will let my dog out during the day, and that since I can't clock in I'm considering this firing me. Also that the extra 4 hours was from when I clocked out early on Friday so I could wait for more jobs to come in, then clocked in Sunday to make up the half day and fill people in on Monday. They've always told me since I work from home I can move my shifts around however I want. I did not realize the pay period is Sunday-Saturday.

Would it be illegal for her to not pay me for all the hours I worked last week? The only proof I have is the clocking in/out calls on my phone log and my activity on email, phone system, and such to prove that I was actually working. But they're slowing changing all the passwords to things so that I don't have access anymore.

Would I still be able to get unemployment if she's technically offering me hours at the office, even though I don't have a means of getting there?

It's been almost an hour and no one has called me back or responded to my email. I don't know if there's anything else I should do. I'm in North Carolina if that matters.

Thanks for any help

/r/bestoflegaladvice Thread Link - reddit.com