Who would have thought?

Remember you need a highschool diploma to flip burgers at Mcdonalds now. While this might sound pathetic to complain about and at first glance you think "yeah, we should have standards like that" it also hampers the economy having such requirements. I am not talking about being a Doctor or a Lawyer here, those things always required smart people with higher education.. but for the basics of the economy?

I like referring to my cousin who wanted to work with zoo animals, she took 4 years of college not to be the manager of the zoo but to clean out animal cages and to put together food for them. You could honestly hire someone off the street for that with some training.

No, I am not trying to bring the country down and I am not so concerned with what statistics you throw at me in regard to what other countries are doing. I do know that at one time a man could support a family, own one car and a meager house just by working.

I think we have tried to make things too complicated to support colleges and being hell bent on have a degree. I am not that old and I have seen it go from something people recommended to have a better life to something damn near required.

I applied online recently for a local job delivering food to elderly people who can't get out of the house. The requirements were a clean driving record, clean health (no drug use), the ability to use a GPS and a good attitude for taking care of people. A few days later a company calls me and informs me I need to be able to "market myself better for local employers" and tried to get me set up for college because "having a degree or going to school for one looks really good on your part". I wanted to ask them how it was relevant to what I am applying for, but I am too nice of a person to be so blunt. Forgive me I know the point of an economy is to earn money and create wealth but college is wayy more in your face than its ever been for things that its not needed for.

I have joked but I honestly think in a few more years a 2 year degree is going to be "basic" like earning your highschool diploma is or used to be. I mean people sort of scoff at not seeking a degree. I wonder if the American economy is truly stronger now for it? I know our debt is higher so does having a more people enter such programs really help? because you have to pay for this.. if more people are capable of earning wealth then why are we so burdened with debt? is it wrong to think it should have reduced?

/r/funny Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it