Who was your worst teacher and Why?

This is more of a worst teacher experience, but the guy was also the worst teacher I'd ever had. I had a professor fall semester freshman year of college for an elective course. Day 1 it was obvious that the Prof. and I were not going to get along. He wasn't a terrible person, lots of students liked him. The two of us just had majorly clashing personalities. He was constantly calling me out in front of other students for shit I'd included in my papers and he loved belittling me. I'd try to backtalk or stand up for myself, and he'd just keep ragging on me. Towards the end of the semester we were supposed to give presentations on these essays he had us write. He assigned us the days we were supposed to present. The day he assigned me was the same day I was scheduled to have a major reconstructive facial surgery (got hit by a car as a kid, lots of 3rd degree burns, this was going to be my 17th facial surgery, yadayada). I'd told him about the surgery at the beginning of the semester and he still scheduled me to present on that day. I tried to talk to him about it and he just said,"I'll give you some kind of make up assignment before the end of the semester." After my surgery, dead week started and it slipped my mind to ask him about the make up assignment. Pre-finals, I had a B in the class and got an A on the final exam. When grades were published, I had failed the course. I emailed him about it and he said that he failed me because I never did my presentation. So naturally I went ape-shit. I got the dean of students involved and submitted every piece of evidence that the professor had screwed me over. In hindsight I should've been more proactive, but I was a stupid freshman. The prof. finally agreed to override the grade if I submitted this outrageous essay with some pretty brutal requirements for a freshman. He told me to have it finished before the end of the spring semester. Around February I emailed him the essay. 2 days after I emailed it to him, he died. He was an avid cyclist, and after a long bike ride he drew himself up an ice bath. Getting into the ice bath, he slipped on the floor tiles, cracked his head open on the side of the tub, and drowned. Not only was he my least favorite teacher (ever), but the SOB croaked on me before he'd fixed my grade. It took 4 months to resolve my grade with the dean of students and the dean of the department. They finally just agreed to give me a B+ in the course. Absolute worst teacher/course experience I had when I was in college.

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