Will Microsoft love Linux to death? Shuttleworth and Stallman on whether Windows 10 is free software's friend: Is Microsoft's newfound enthusiasm for open-source software genuine?

I'll tell you what - I've never seen eye to eye with Stallman on politics, and never much cared about Linux on the desktop. But with all the fucking ads and nagging in AdOS 10 (OneDrive seems to pop up, no matter how many times I turn it off), I have really started to feel like my OS is fighting against me. That's what happens when you go 'software as a service' - if you're not using the OS/app in the exact way the publisher needs you to in order for them to make money, they're going to make your life miserable with constant nagging. I think we need to start a 'just say no' campaign or something for these companies.

As for Linux, with more and more stuff being web-based these days, I don't find the idea of switching as daunting as I used to. However, I'm afraid I'm just too invested in the Windows ecosystem. Not specifically with the apps, but the gaggle of VB/AutoIt/AutoHotKey utils I've written over the years. Trying to make the switch for me would take months, and its just too much of a time commitment right now. However, I'm attempting over time to port a lot of this stuff over to Python, which would make things a lot easier.

/r/technology Thread Link - techrepublic.com