2017 is coming to an end and it has been 1250 days now since Flint,MI has had clean water

Life is short. If a person or group repeatedly pushes 100% bullshit, you reach a point where you quit bothering with them. Breitbart is one those examples.

Posting from Breitbart does two things:

1)It gives me an impression that my time will be wasted if I read the article.

2)It lets me know that the poster regularly reads and references garbage, lowering the likelihood that he/she is here to argue in good faith.

Take this example we're discussing right here. R/T_D pretty much exclusively peddles 100% crap. Seeing Breitbart (a normal source on T_D being linked, when one should be able to find a more reputable source gives me the indication that either #1 or #2 above are correct. A quick check of this poster's history shows that he is indeed an active member of T_D. So here we are... We have a contentious topic, a notably bad and biased source coming from a member of a group that exists largely to argue in bad faith and "trigger liberals," and you're concerning yourself with defending this guy. If these guys wanted to be taken seriously they wouldn't do things they do, say what they say, associate with who they do and link to the sources they do. Time and effort are finite resources. You have to prioritize and this guy with this source are bottom of the list.

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