Anon doesn't understand strip clubs

Honestly I am not sure if you truly understand the psychological side effects of doing these kinds of things. There are exceptions to every rule, but all the cam girls I've been friends with and trusted me enough to be vulnerable around me.. to cry on my shoulder...well, it slowly ate away at their sense of self worth and got to the point where they thought this was the only way they could make a decent living.. like they didn't have other options. When they start thinking their body is their only asset, it's very hard for anyone to convince them otherwise.

It's been over 5 years since one of them did a cam show and she's still traumatized from it.

Imagine if the only way you could convince a woman to have sex with you was to pay them. It might take 1 time or 10 times, but eventually you will start to believe no woman will ever love you. You aren't worth it. You are going to die alone. When you start having thoughts like this, it's extremely hard to get them out of your head. The human mind is fragile and most people posting here haven't a fucking clue.

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