Wolf Polyformance/Mil Classic vs Barnaul

Wolf is just an importer. There are only three producers of Russian ammo imported: Vympel, Barnaul, Tula (Ulyanovsk is a part of Tula). Vympel amd Barnaul are a step above Tula, but not by any significant margin. Myself and others have shot 1000s of rounds of Tula with no issues whatsoever.

There are many different importers/packagers of this ammo, but it all falls to the 3 producers. Wolf can be Tula or Barnual. Silver Bear, Brown Bear, Golden Bear are all the same Barnual with different case coatings. Red Army is just repackaged Tula.

Lacquer vs poly coatings don’t matter for performance, but lacquer coating stores better. My advice, find the cheapest poly stuff you can to shoot. Find the cheapest lacquer coated to store. Poly coated ammo will store just fine too if kept in the proper conditions.

/r/ak47 Thread