Woman destroys the feminist myths about rape

It's all variable experiences though. There are women who do experience harassment when filing rape, and there are women who don't. To say you had a positive experience and thus all feminists are lying isn't really on the nose here.

The thing is, there are real cases of women being turned away and harassed by police officers. The fact that it happens should be concern and addressed. That is a good thing.

This study, a small sample size admittedly, discusses the variability in how a cop may handle a case: http://m.jiv.sagepub.com/content/12/2/255.short 19% of officers adhere to new protocol to help the victim while making sure to gather appropriate evidence. 31% focused on penetration and consent, an older method. 51% were shown to have a mixed unofficial definition of rape and were known to victim blame. In this case only 1/5 cops would respond appropriately to a rape victim with half placing blame on the victim and not follow through with a proper investigation.

Still. This study was one sample size, only 90 cops from one department. Their local department may be different, there has not been a large study sample of this issue.

My point is here is that this is an example of a police department in which someone may experience difficulties reporting their rape. Feminists are not making this up. While obviously bringing focus to this may deter some women from going to the police, I don't think that was the intent of this. They were only trying to fix the issue that is present at some police departments (it is difficult to say how widespread the issue truly is) and make people more aware and sensitive to the matter.

That said, I encourage anyone who is raped to reach out to support, rape councilors and so forth, and file a police report. Even if there are issues with the police department there is a lot of support for victims from other sources, which feminists did drop the ball on advertising. There are rape crisis centers and so forth and you will find the emotional support you need.

/r/MensRights Thread Link - i.imgur.com