Woman sentenced to 10 years for "child abuse". This is the sort of dystopian madness forced birthers drool over! I don't care if it gets reduced, she shouldn't be imprisoned. PERIOD.

This is my take. This woman is sick, not a fucking abusive criminal. Addiction doesn't magically disappear with some sort of "mommy magic" when a woman finds out she's pregnant, and throwing her in prison for any amount of time only serves to traumatize and give her the opportunity to fall into a really bad place socially and lead to a much more destructive way of life than she's already living. She needs long term rehabilitative services. You can't abuse a child that's not actually a child, and while it's unfortunate she gave birth to a baby who had to undergo withdrawal, I can guarantee she didn't wake up and decide "you know what I want to do? Cause my baby to suffer".

/r/prochoice Thread Parent Link - kswo.com