To women who live in expensive cities : Do you rule out men who don't appear to have a lot of money and/or property?

I'm a few years younger than you are, female, and 2 years ago I was living in SF and on OKC. I did date younger (31-40) and most of them were making very good income but hardly any lived alone (most had roommates) and only a couple owned their own places. Based on my experience it seems that other than the top 5% or so there, most people buy with a partner/spouse vs when they are single. I dated people living downtown so hardly any owned cars and would rent when they needed to go somewhere.

I did find that dating in SF vs other cities, men are more likely to be insistent about paying for dates before it's exclusive. That may be something for you to consider.

I will tell you that based on what I'd experienced, realistically, you'd have a hard time dating more than a few years younger than you. I know from male friends there, sooo many women have prioritized career first over having kids. Now with fertility treatments and surrogacy, the clock is ticking much longer.

If you're more of a beta than an alpha, you may have luck with very well established women who are 45+. They'll often care less about the money someone has and are looking for a companion more than anything.

/r/OkCupid Thread